As part of our working partnership with Fife Council, Richardson & Starling have assisted 4 local charities in the Fife area by donating £4000 to help deal with mental health and social care issues, substance abuse, youth development and families in need of support. The 4 charities who each received £1000 were:
SAMH operates in over 60 communities working with adults and young people providing mental health and social care support services in primary care, schools and further education. Terry Sweeney R&S Senior Branch Manager is seen here handing over the cheque to Louise Morgan, Area Manager for SAMH, Fife.
FASS – Fife Alcohol Support Service
FASS provides a range of services designed to meet the special needs of vulnerable people within the community who are affected by alcohol and substance related problems. The charity also provides help for significant others and carers of individuals in difficulty and for people who are socially isolated and vulnerable.
Richardson & Starling has awarded FASS a £1000 cheque to help with ongoing struggles with these issues and Terry Sweeney presented the Cheque to David Dempster Manager of FASS Fife.
Youth 1st are an organisation that support and empower youth workers, volunteers and organisations, leading to strong and resilient community-based youth work, which in turn improves the life experiences and opportunities of young people.
Gayle Brown Operations Manager thanked the company for its donation which the charity will use specifically for its B:activ programme which helps build young people’s confidence and leadership skills and encourages them to not only be more active physically but in the community as well.
Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support staff helping families with young children through challenging times. They are there for parents when needed most with issues around fuel and food poverty.
Terry Sweeney is pictured presenting a cheque for £1000 to Emma Thomson of Home Start.
The Group were delighted to assist these exceptional charities and commend them on the fantastic work they do in improving peoples’ lives in the Fife area.